A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now$2.39 USD or more

A game thirty plus years in the making. 

Some of you, sorry, most of you, might not remember the good old commodore 64. A computer from the 80s. Very popular you know. Well I wanted to make a game back on the old C64 in the 80s, but, I couldn't get my head around the old assembly language, not clever enough you see. But now thanks to the wonderful programs at your disposal today. The real clever people, have made it easy, for the not so clever me, to finally make a game, of some sorts anyway.

This is my love letter to the C64 and to arcade shooters like phoenix, galaxians, galaga, space invaders, that sort of thing. 

Sorry if you don't know of these games, I'm just so old.

It's a full release, but still needs a little work doing, I'm getting there slowly. Please be patient and bear with me, I hope you enjoy.

PC Controls:

  • Arrow keys - left and right
  • Z - Shoot
  • X - Shield
  • Esc - Quit Game
  • Alt+Enter - Toggle fullscreen

Controller and Gamepads supported.

Having difficulty getting xbox controllers working at the moment, sorry for that.


Buy Now$2.39 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2.39 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Birds(Retail_0.8)_GM2.3.zip 2.4 MB

Download demo

Birds(Demo).zip 2.4 MB


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Massive thanks to Thomas on making the first purchase, thank you for getting the ball rolling. 

And thanks to anyone who tries the demo. 

Any feedback will be most welcome. Even negative I don't mind. But constructive criticism would be much preferred. 

I hope you find at least a little fun within the game. Even if its having a laugh at my efforts.


I'm currently working on two more Commodore 64 related projects, I plan to get them to a stage I feel they're able to hold up as a pretty complete game, Before I upload.

Then I will go back through all three games and polish and improve, based on what I feel needs changing, adding, and on any feedback received.

I look forward to receiving your feedback, thank you.